Clubman of the year 2019
Many congratulations go to Chris for getting Clubman of the Year at the clubs AGM meeting on Monday night.
The club members voted on which member has done the most for the club over the last 12months, Chris's outstanding work, overseeing new members to the field, giving coaching tips & constantly mowing the patch earn him clubman of the year, congratulations Chris well deserved.
Chris receives the BMFA's Certificate of Merit.
Many Congratulations go to Chris for receiving BMFA Certificate of Merit from the Club, the committee nominated Chris as part of the Achievement scheme in-recognition for all he's efforts over the years. Chris has spent many hours assisting new members who join the club & even giving his time up to coach / train new & existing members with their flying skills, Chris also can often be seen flying up & down the patch with the mower always after that perfect runway look. Many thanks Chris for all your efforts.
8th July 2019
Peter gains his 'A' certificate.
Congratulations to Peter B for gaining his A certificate a few weeks ago, presented at the OGM by Chris.
16th June 2019
John fly's his way to a B.
Many Congratulation to John C for gain his B certificate in what could only be described as challenging weather conditions.
well done John.
15th February 2019
Clubman of the year 2018
Many congratulations go to Chris for being voted Clubman of the Year 2018 at the AGM. Many thanks for all the good work you do and very well deserved.
19th October 2018
Congratulations go to Phil H for Achieving his (A) test Great job Phil.
10th September 2018
Congratulations go to John S for Achieving his A certificate.
Many congratulations to you John.
15th July 2018
On A Roll
On the weekend of the Clubs Annual flying day, Chris took several members for their A test and John C was no exception and passed with flying colours. John received his certificate at the field yesterday from Chris.
Many Congratulations goes to John
10th June 2018
Ian takes his A test.
Also on the weekend of the Clubs Annual flying day, Ian H took his A test and passed.
Ian received his certificate at last nights OGM from Chris,
Many Congratulations goes to Ian on getting his A Certificate
25th June 2018
Harry Gets His A.
On the Weekend of the Annual Club Flying Day, Harry took his A Test and passed.
Many Congratulations go to Harry for achieving your A test.
(Nigel is one proud dad)
12th June 2018
Caleb gets his A game on.
While all so hosting the Events day on Saturday, Caleb found a little spare time in-between flights to Take his A Test.
Many congratulations go to Caleb for passing his A test.
1st June 2018
B certificate for Paul C
Very well done to Paul C who passed his B certificate earlier this week with his Hype 3D
16th May 2018
New Examiners
Chris and Mel have been certified as BMFA Examiners. Congratulations to both.
12th February 2018
Chris wins the 2017 Clubman of the Year at tonight's AGM
12th September 2017
Honorary Membership for Angie
For several years Angie, ably assisted by Nigel, Harry and Zoe has gone above and beyond in providing us all with superb, sweet and savoury delights at many of our club events including the larger events such as the Bonfire night and Christmas buffet. To show our gratitude to Angie we thought it fitting to award her Honorary Membership together with a small gift. Angie has shown much strength and determination over the years in contributing to the club whilst facing some personal challenges which make this award all the more fitting. Thank you from us all.
13th May 2017
David P wins 2017 Bungee Gliding Event.
10th April 2017
Tony B wins the 2017 Winter Build Competition
1st April 2017
Peter B wins the 2017 Aerobatic Event held today.
13th February 2017
Chris wins the 2016 Clubman of the Year at tonight's AGM
17th September 2016
Archie wins the Gliding Event
A good turnout of twelve members attended the last flying event of the year yesterday to compete for the prestigious Dave Perrett gliding trophy. The blustery conditions made for an exciting competition with the leader with longest flight constantly changing as the rounds progressed. In fact, so close were the flight times it was possible for anyone of the contestants to win if they had a good final flight. In the end it was Archie who soared into the lead and won the magnificent trophy with David P and Dave B tied in 2nd place with same flight times. In a fly off between these two, Dave B had the better flight and therefore took 2nd place.
A big thank you goes to Phil L who very generously loaned his plane so four others could fly in the event and to John C for supplying the obligatory hot sausage rolls and to Ted for organising this and all the other events held this year. Well done to Archie and thank you to everyone who attended for making the day very enjoyable.13th June 2016
Peter K receives his A certificate
Peter Ko receives his A certificate from Examiner Peter B at this evenings meeting. Well done Peter.
28th May 2016
Phil L wins today's Gliding Event in great style.
Very well done to Phil who gave a master class in gliding today by achieving a maximum flight time with both of his flights thus beating all the other 12 competitors convincingly.
7th May 2016
Peter K passes his BMFA "A" certificate.
Well done to Peter K who passed his BMFA 'A' certificate today and is shown here with club examiner Peter Brown.
17th April 2016
Chris wins the 'war birds' event.
Full report and more pictures on the 'Events 2016' section of the EVENTS page.

11th April 2016
Tony B wins this years 'Winter Build' competition.
Tony B won this years 'Winter Build' competition with his beautifully made 'Dornier Do 335' More details of the event can be found on the Events 2016 page and in 'Pictures' under 'Members Projects'.
25th March 2016
Peter B wins today's Aerobatic Competition

8th February 2016
Nigel R wins Clubman of the Year at tonight's AGM
Nigel receiving the well deserved Clubman of the Year trophy from Chairman Roger
Following the election of officers came the presentation of the clubman of the year. This year members voted for Nigel who together with his wife Angie have contributed no end to events and have gone above and beyond on their efforts to assist the club. The events would not have been the same without their input and long may it continue.
19th September 2015
Andy wins the 'Dave P Cup' glider competition.

15th August 2015
Ted wins today's Scale Event.

16th May 2015
David P wins the 'Dave P Cup' glider competition on 16th May 2015

13th May 2015
Ken wins the Winter Build Competition.
Well done and congratulations to Ken who won the 'Winter Build' competition at last nights meeting with his very unusual and 'different looking' electric powered 'Fun-Fly' model called 'Ellipse'. Built from plans this unorthodox and distinctive model has a wingspan of 49" and consists of all curved parts with no straight edges!

5th April 2015
Peter B wins the Aerobatic Competition held on 5th April 2015
9th February 2015
Chris voted 'Clubman of the Year' at tonight's AGM.
Chris receives the trophy from Chairman Roger P in recognition for all the splendid work he has done for the club over the past year. Well done Chris.
20th September 2014
Gordon wins the last gliding event for this year.
2nd place David Playfair 3rd place Dave Marriott
31st August 2014
Chris wins this years Scale Event.

2nd David Playfair 3rd John Hall

16th August 2014
David P wins the S..L..O..W flying event at the Summer Festival & BBQ with Roger W 2nd & Chris 3rd.
15th July 2014
Paper plane event won by Peter K with runners up Roger P and Richard S.
Club Fun Day Fly In on Saturday 21st June
Matthew wins fastest take off, loop, roll & landing event and Peter B wins the Spot Landing at the Club Fun Day.
Andy wins the 'Dave P Cup' glider competition on 17th May 2014
Peter B wins the Good Friday Aerobatic Competition held on 18th April 2014
Alan wins the Winter Build Competition 2014 with his Hawker Typhoon 7th April 2014
David P wins WW1 & WW2 Event 15th March 2014 with his ME 109.
Chris receives the Clubman of the year award at the AGM February 2014
Ted receives the Dave P Gliding Trophy in September 2013
Geoff with the Scale Cup which he won on 18th May 2013
Dave A with his Junkers J7 plane which won him the 2013 Winter Build Trophy.
William receives his A certificate at the October meeting 2013
William passes his 'A' certificate on Saturday 27th July 2013
Archie winning the Dave PGilding Trophy in April 2013
Aerobatic Champion 2013 Pete B. Three times a winner in 2011, 2012 and 2013
Peter with runners up Chris and Dave in 2012 ...........and all smiles in 2011
Andy and Chris receive their 'B' certificates in July 2012