Events 2015
Warbirds Day 14th March 2015

Aerobatic Competition 5th April 2015
Peter B wins the Aerobatic Competition
Congratulations goes to Peter B who once again flew magnificently today and retained the trophy and title of Aerobatic Champion 2015. Peter was pushed hard by Lawrence in 2nd place followed by Andy who was 3rd. In total, 22 members and guests enjoyed the flying and good weather as nine entrants flew in turn and performed 10 manoeuvres in front of our 'expert judge' John C. John commented that no one had a bad flight but some pilots had the odd bad manoeuvres which spoiled their scores. Special thanks goes to John for his excellent job as judge and to Peter K for doing a splendid BBQ of burgers and sausage rolls which everyone enjoyed.
Winner Peter B Runner up Lawrence
3rd place Andy The 'Vampire Vixen' display team who entertained the crowds after the event with their formation flying.
Winter Build 13th May 2015
Ken wins the Winter Build competition.
Well done and congratulations to Ken who won the 'Winter Build' competition at last nights meeting with his very unusual and 'different looking' electric powered 'Fun-Fly' model called 'Ellipse'. Built from plans this unorthodox and distinctive model has a wingspan of 49" and consists of all curved parts with no straight edges!
In total, eight models were entered into the event and the judges found it very difficult to award the scores as the build quality and finish on all the planes was of a very high standard indeed. Well done and thank you to everyone who entered.
2nd was Mel's 'Pace Spirit' 3rd was Tony O with his 'Can-Doo'
Lawrence with his 'Acro Wot' Richards 'Majestic Major' John C's 'Radio Queen'
Tony's 'P47' Roger W's 'Seafire'
Gliding Day 16th May 2015
David P wins the gliding competition held today.
18 members turned out today for the first of this years gliding events but due to the very strong and blustery wind conditions only seven 'wind warriors' decided to fly. With wind speeds of about 20mph, long flight times were never going be achieved and it was a case of who could soar in the breeze the longest without being swept downwind to oblivion!. David P had the best two flight time total although Dave B had the best single flight time of 3.5 minutes. The flying was exciting but the highlight of the day was the splendid BBQ of burgers and sausages followed by 120 iced cakes provided by Nigel, Harry & Angie which everyone enjoyed. A very big thank you goes to Nigel & Angie and to Peter K for the BBQ and to Andy who generously loaned his glider so others could fly in the event. Thank you also to Phil L and Alan and others who retrieved the bungee cord after each flight. Well done and thank you to everyone who came and made the day so enjoyable.
David P receives the Dave P Trophy Runner Up Dave B
3rd Place Andy Flight Times
Bi-Plane evening 26th June 2015
Summer Bi-Plane Flying Event
Nine members took part in the event held on the evening of 26th June with a mixture of bi-planes and other planes. The eagle eye readers will spot the Cub-Queen Bi-Plane in the photo... The weather improved after the event started with the wind dropping down to a breeze and the sun peeking through the clouds before the storm rolled in. Thanks to all those who attended.
Electric and Vintage Day 11th July 2015
32 members and friends turned out today for a great days flying in the sunshine with their vintage, electric and slow flying models. Those who attended were treated to an excellent BBQ of burgers and hot dogs followed by some delicious cakes and many thanks goes to Nigel & Angie for laying on such a splendid spread of food. Although the wind was a bit brisk at times nearly everyone flew in the spot landing competition and what an exciting event this turned out to be. Chris was the first to fly and landed just 4 foot away and most of us thought this couldn't be beaten. However, not long after, Peter K using all his skill (or just luck!) stopped his plane just 3 feet away to take the lead. With everyone thinking it was all over, Lawrence, with the last flight of the event steps up to the flight line and only lands his plane right on top of the spot! Now that's what I call skill.
With the wind blowing directly up the runway the conditions were ideal for the S...L...O...W flying event where planes had to fly a distance of 50m in the slowest time. Not as easy as it sounds but Dave B and Archie were masters at this taking many minutes to cover the short distance and sometimes hovering and even going backwards at times. Well done and thank you to everyone who attended which made it one of the best events of the year so far.
Nigel and Harry doing a splendid job with the BBQ George's magnificent 'Scud' powered glider
Lawrence landed right on the spot !1st place to Lawrence Runner up Peter K
Slowest Flyer of the day Dave B Runner up Archie....normally flys a lot faster!
Summer Festival Scale Day 15th August 2015
Ted wins today's Scale Event.
15 members enjoyed some good flying with their scale models today to compete for the prestigious Scale Trophy awarded for the most realistic flying performance. There were some lovely models on display and everyone flew very well in the ideal conditions which made judging very hard indeed. Everyone attending had a form to vote for the three planes they thought had flown in the most realistic and scale like manner. Ted Ward was the clear winner flying his four engine B-17 Flying Fortress which looked absolutely splendid against the blue sky. Runner up was David P flying his North American Aviation T-6 Texan and in 3rd place was Tony B flying his Hurricane and Bristol Type 156 Beaufighter. 4th place went to John H flying his P 47 Thunderbolt.
Ted with his winning B-17 Flying Fortress
David's Texan Tony's very nice Beaufighter
Andrew with his very detailed Chipmunk
Gliding Day 19th September 2015
Andy wins the Gliding Event.
The glorious weather enticed 14 members out to fly in the gliding competition held yesterday. Initially we were concerned that the clear blue skies and lack of wind would not be conducive to long flight wrong we were, as two of the first three flights of the day achieved the maximum flight time of 6 minutes. Then without warning the lift was gone and for an hour or so everyone struggled to achieve a decent flight until suddenly some skillful, or should that be lucky pilots, were finding some lift again. After two rounds, only five members with the best times were in contention of winning, so a fly-off in reverse order was decided for the final round which included, Andy, David P, Gordon, Martin P and Phil L. Andy, flying first, achieved his best flight of the day with a maximum 6 minutes, leaving everyone else trying to catch him but falling short by a matter of just a few seconds.
Congratulations to Andy for coming first, and very well done to Phil L in second place and well flown Martin P finishing third. Both Phil and Martin were especially pleased as this was their first ever gliding event and... 'didn't they do well'.
Many thanks goes to Andy who once again loaned one of his gliders so five other members could take part and thanks also to Nigel who produced some delicious hot dogs and burgers from the BBQ which everyone enjoyed.
Click on the pictures below to see more photos taken at the event.
Andy receiving the Dave P Cup 2nd place Phil L 3rd place Martin P
Dave P trying hard to win the trophy he donated Nigel 'King of the BBQ'
Bonfire Night 7th November 2015
Superb Evening of Fireworks and Food
Over 40 members, family and friends enjoyed a spectacular evening of pyrotechnics and food at last nights BBQ and firework event. The rain stopped, the wind eased, the skies cleared and the stars came out....the perfect setting for this, the last event of the year. A gazebo complete with fairy lights was setup, along with four BBQ's, outside the club house caravan where everyone tucked into a fantastic spread of delicious burgers, sausages, pork & stuffing rolls, home made sausage rolls and a huge array of cakes and drinks whilst watching the huge bonfire and a very good display of fireworks arranged by David P and Chris. The success of the evening was down to a great team effort involving the whole committee, and especially to Nigel & Angie who once again excelled themselves in providing such a wonderful feast for all of us to enjoy. So many thanks to Nigel & Angie, the committee and those who brought extra fireworks and to everyone who attended and made this a thoroughly enjoyable evening.
15th December 2015
Christmas quiz and buffet.
After last nights meeting, John Corkill tested the knowledge of the 29 members present with a quiz with questions relating to planes.......full size and models. Some of the questions were very tough, but everyone agreed this was an excellent event and the winning team was Nigel and Harry, Dave B, Roger B and Peter K. Congratulations to them and thank you John for organizing the quiz. Afterwards, everyone tucked into a splendid buffet of party food brought along by the members themselves with the 'piece de resistance' being a magnificent festive fruit cake made by Angie. Thank you to Angie and everyone who attended in making this, the last meeting of the year, a great success.