Events 2018
13th November 2018
RAF100 and Quiz Night
17th September
Scale Day Event
On Saturday 15 September 26 members turned out in some what breezy conditions for the Annual Scale Day,As in previous years there was a competition element to the day to show off their scale aircraft. A competition was run to judge who's aircraft flew and looked the most scale like on the day. Before lunch members and visitors will be invited to vote for the pilot who, in their opinion, has flown in the most realistic manner during the morning. Voting slips were counted during lunch after which the pilot with the most votes will be awarded the prized Scale Cup. this years cup was won by John H many congratulations to john, runners up were Richard S 2nd and Len Gibbs 3rd. Many Thanks go to all that help out and run the event including to Angie Richards for the gorgeous cakes and sausages rolls that went down at treat.
Many thanks to Tony C for the pictures great job.
18 August 2018
Annual Power Gliding Competition
With 13 mph winds and gusts up to 18 mph, 12 pilots competed in this year’s Powered Gliding competition for the prized Dave Perrett Cup.1st and 2nd round flights consisted of a 25 second powered run followed by a maximum of 6 minutes gliding. A 10 second bonus was added for landings within the runway giving a maximum score of 6:35. Each pilot was given two attempts after which the five pilots with the highest single flight score went through to the final round.
In the final round the top five qualifying pilots all launched simultaneously with the final three landing planes receiving 1st 2nd and 3rd places. Congratulations to the competition winner Gordon B who won with a 3rd round flight time of 6:23. Andy R came second with a flight time of 6:01 and 3rd place was awarded to Andy C with a final flight time of 5:10.

15th July 2018
Electric and Vintage Day
22 members turned out on a hot sunny day to fly some splendid electric and vintage aircraft, the club was graced with the presences of well know member and renown model builder Peter Iiciff who showed us all why he is such a superb model maker with his Minatare aircraft which is all handcrafted even down to the propellers, but as a club we also have our own renown model builder George S who showed us all his Comper Swift with a ingenious design of a folding wing and BA Swallow both of these aircraft are over 30yrs old and fly like they were both built yesterday. The day was not such as an event but more of a gathering of man and machines who wallowed in the days events, basking in the sun, talking and sampling some of the delights of cake and sausage rolls baked by Angie Richards.
10th June 2018
Annual Clubs Fun Fly Day
Despite a cloudy start 25 members, family and friends attended one of the best club events in recent years. Three fun competitions were held.
1 A Timed Spot Landing: The aim is to land on the spot as close to 60 seconds as possible, with 11 entrants, David P and Dave B were first and second with 17 points and 20 points respectively.
2. Fastest Take-off, Loop, Touch and Go, Roll and landing with 8 entrants.
Caleb won with a time of 12 seconds and second place went to Len with a time of 17 seconds
3. Elimination Limbo event with 13 entrants. Winner John C, joint second Dave B, Len and David P
After the competitive events an entertaining few minutes of tail chasing with streamers took place. Several streamers were cut and no aircraft came to grief.
Throughout the day members grazed on a superb selection of cakes, sausage rolls, hot and cold drinks and a barbecue provided by Angie and Nigel. Many thanks to all who made the day a very memorable event.
19th May 2018
2018 Bungee Gliding Event
25 members turned out to this years bungee gliding event, with the weather set to be one of the best weekends we had in many years. The sun was shining and wind was vey little at times, 20 members took part in two rounds of flying against the clock and each other, to be crowned bungee champion 2018.
After the first round members tucked in to a delicious bbq, with sausage rolls and cakes lovingly prepared by Angie Richards, Round two seen even more excitement with some members struggling with the bungee chord set up realising to early.
The day was finally won by Andy Rowley, second place went to Ian Hammerton & Third place went to Ken Jones.
scores as follows= 1st Andy = 12.20
= 2nd Ian = 11.00
= 3rd Ken = 8.27
Many thanks to all who came and supported the event, also thank you to all that helped with the bungee, food, setup / takedown,
21st April 2018
Lawrence wins the Aerobatic Competition.
Fifteen members along with friends and family turned out to see who would be crowned the 2018 Aerobatic Champion on what was a lovely spring day. Each competitor was allowed two flights and after round one everyone tucked in to a delicious tray of sandwich's cakes and sausages rolls, many thanks go to Angie and Hannah who supplied the cakes and food, to keep the members going. This had the effect of settling most of the pilots nerves and most went on to put in better flights in round two. Thanks goes to Peter B who did a splendid job judging and scoring the flights and to Caleb for organising the event, The Event was eventually won by Lawrence with 166pts 2nd place going to Chris B with 160pts, and 3rd place going to John C 151pts. Thanks go to all that came to support & help at this event.
9th April 2018
Winter Build Competition
Winner Geoff with his Blanford Flyer
Tony with his ME109 Dave with his OL'Blue Nose