Events 2022
18th September 2022
Scale Day Event
Yesterdays scale day event turned out to be a rather breezy day. 22 members braved the winds to show off their scale like models. Members along with family & friends were encouraged to judge 3 of the best pilots who they thought had flown throughout the day in a scale like manner. Joint 2nd place went to David P & Chris B, 1st Place went to Dave M. Many thanks to Angie Richards for the selection of cakes & sausage rolls that were supplied on the day, they went down a storm.
20th August 2022
Powered Gliding day Event
3rd August 2022
28th June 2022
Annual Club Flying Day
This Year's Annual club flying day was held on Saturday 25th June on what was to be a very nice but breeze day, 27 members along with their family & friends turned out for this annual event of BBQ, cakes & sausage rolls supplied by Angie Richards with a spot of flying.
The day started off with Event no1 Spot Landing, aim take off, call landing & land with 60 sec's closes to the plate, this was then measured, closes to the plate wins this was achieved by Ian H with a distance of 8ft. Congratulations Ian.
Members then broke for lunch with a BBQ burger, sausages with cakes & sausage rolls & a spot of free flying.
Round 2 commenced with a Take-off, Loop, Touch & Go, Roll & Land all in the fastest time, this event was won by Andy R, decision was taken due to the weather (wind) that unfortunately Event 3 Limbo would not take place. Many thanks go to all that help out on the day to make it what it was.
24th May 2022
Bungee Gliding Event 2022
On Saturday 21st May, we held our Annual Bungee Launch Gliding Competition for the Dave Perrett Cup.
Bungee Launch Gliding event, three rounds were flown with the best two scoring rounds totalled to give the overall score, weather on the day was a mixed bag of light winds followed by some long spells of sunshine. The first round saw 3 members max-out with total 6 minutes with a bonus 10secs for landing on the patch, In Round 2 the winds shifted which only saw 1 member achieve maximum points, 3rd Round was made up from the top 7 total scores from the previous two rounds this came down to just 9-secs between the making it into round 3 or not which made up for a very interesting 3rd round with the potential of having a 3 way tie of for first place, The final scores were
1st Place: Ian H - 12.20
2nd Place: Gordon B - 10.31
3rd Place: Len G - 10.25
The Club was Honoured to have a special visitor on the day who presented the cup.
Congratulations to Ian for winning the Dave Perrett Cup, also many thanks to all that helped throughout the day with the scoring, bungee collecting & General running to make the day & event run smoothly.
2nd May 2022

17th April 2022
Winter Build Competition