Events 2023
16th September 2023
Scale Day Event
28 members along with family & friends turned out for the 2023 Scale Day & the Last event of the year. The Scale Competition is to create a miniature replica of a full-scale aircraft and fly it in a realistic fashion to create the illusion you are viewing a real aircraft both on the ground and in the air……….. This year we also introduced a static event alongside the flying event, members voted on who they thought had flow in a scale like manner & or who's plane looked the best for the static event. The weather was a little breeze, but majority of the models copped well throughout the day. Voting slips were counted after lunch & the Scale Day Cup was awarded to the pilot with the most votes. This yrs winners were Lawrence for the Static with his LA7, winning the box of chocolates. Ian H with his Spitfire for scale flying taking away the Scale Day trophy 🏆. Many thanks go to Angie Richards for the Sausage rolls, cakes and drinks that were provided on the day.
20th August 2023
Power gliding day event
This year's event took a slight different turn with the pilots having to gauge there time, but without going over & incurring penalty points. Two rounds would be flown & times would be added together to see which of the top five pilots would go forward to the final round. The weather & wind were tough & sun was blinding & the designated area on the patch relentless; as it picked off one by one denying them the bonus points. But 12 pilots battled through two rounds, to give us our final 5, Ian, Andy, Dave De'M, Gordon B & David P. The score board was then cleared and it was all done to the best time wins.
1st Ian H - 4m 57sec & that's with Ian incurring a 13 sec penalty for going over the 5mins, but gaining 10sec back for landing on the designated patch area.

Many thanks go to my helpers on the day, Dave DeM & Ian H for helping with the time keeping, also many thanks again to Angie Richards for supplying all the food, cakes, sausage rolls & pork & stuffing batches & also doing the bbq on the day.
29th July 2023
Electric & Vintage Day
7 Members turned out for the Electric & Vintage day, What turned out to be really nice sunny & warm but slightly breeze day. A variety of models from Warbirds to Gliders were flown, many thanks to angie for all the Tea, cakes & Sausage rolls.
1st July 2023
BMFA Distance Challenge,
On July 1st, the club attempted the BMFA Distance Challenge, 'Around the World in 8 Hours, we joined the BMFA in a cumulative distance challenge to fly at least, the equivalent distance of a complete circumnavigation of the globe & it's the clubs total cumulative record that will count towards this total. On a very windy but bright day 7 members took part in the BMFA around the world challenge. Despite the gusty conditions the 7 flyers managed to rack up 822 Laps of the 250m course, A course was marked out via cones & wind socks on the day, starting & finishing Level with the club's wind sock, a total of 128 Miles or 206Km was achieved, this is the equivalent of flying from Nuneaton to Portsmouth. Well done to all involved those that attended, many thanks to Chris & Angie for supplying the refreshments.
25th June 2023
Club Fun Day
Saturday 24th June saw 30 members & family & friends with turned for the Annual Club Fun Day, The day started off slightly dull & gloomy but very warm, but turning hotter as the day progressed. As in previous years there was a slight competition element to the day, although the prizes were for packets of Haribo's & emphasis was on having fun.
Events were as follows.
- Landing closest to the plate competition.
- Fastest take off, loop, touch & go, roll and landing competition. All in the fastest time
- Limbo competition fly under the pole last one standing wins
- Streamer combat just for fun.
- New for 2023 S.T.O.L race.
- Landing closest to the plate competitors had to judge 60-secs, once calling landing & land closets to the plate marked out on the patch, points were added or deducted depending on distance from the plate & time outside of 60secs.
- Fastest take off, loop, touch & go, roll and landing, timer started once the plane was rolling, pilots had to take off, loop, touch & go, roll and landing in the fastest time.
- Limbo competition fly under the pole, pilots take in turns to fly under a length of streamer or tape, the height is decrease after each round until the last pilot standing wins, this yrs length between the poles was just 23ft & 8ft high.
- Streamer combat just for fun, Length of streamers attached to the back of the aircraft, pilots fly around trying to chew up there opponents streamer.
- New for 2023 S.T.O.L race (Short Take off & Landing Race) Competitors will start on a start line (denoted on the day) Aim to take off, travel the length of the course in a straight line aiming to keeping as low as possible, Land, turn around and repeat, crossing start finish line, fastest time wins
Scores on the doors for the days events were.
- Landing closest to the plate = Peter Brown - 9 points.
- Fastest take off, loop, touch & go, roll and landing = Peter Brown -10secs.
- Limbo competition = Peter Brown last one standing
- S.T.O.L race. = Andy Rowley -17 secs.
I wish to say a really big thankyou to the helpers on the day, Tony B & grandson Thomas for measuring on the spot landing, David Berry time keeping, Ian on the BBQ & all the others, also thankyou to Angie for sorting & suppling all the cakes, sausages rolls burgers & sausages plus drinks etc that helped make it a fantastic day.
20th May 2023
Bungee Gliding Day
Wow what a Fantastic day, 28 members with Family & friends turned out to watch or take part in the 2023 Bungee gliding event, The Day was looking to be a scorcher from the outset as the sun was high in the sky with very little cloud & only a slight breeze,
This year's event was set to change things slightly. 3-Rounds were to be flown with the first two Rounds total times added together to see who out of 6 of the best pilots would go through to the third & final Round.
Flight time was taken from when the bungee was released from the model, pilots would aim to max out at 6mins, with a bonus 10secs would be added to their total score if they landed within the designated area marked out by cones on the patch,.
17 pilots took part, by this time the wind had picked up & pilots were challenged by not only trying to find lift but also make it back to the designated area to gain the extra 10secs bonus marks.
The scores were tight with only a few maxing out at 6mins & only 1 making to 6-10sec.
6 pilots were then put forward to Round 3, Lee P, Dave B, Peter B, Len G, Ian H, Harry R.
So Final Scores on the doors were.
1st Ian H = 6,10
2nd Len G = 2,51
3rd David B = 2,12
4th Harry R = 1,58
I would like to say a Really Big Thankyou to everyone who helped out on the day, Dave Dm for an extra hand timing, Alan, John C, Tony B, David P & all the walkers' retrieving the Bungee, Mark W for helping me & Harry with the BBQ & Angie for providing all the food for the event, It's not an individual that makes it a great club its all the members.
14th May 2023
BMFA Record Attempt
On Sunday 14th May 28 members of the Nuneaton Aeromodellers club, with family & friends, turned out to the local flying field on what was to be a bright sunny day, in an attempt to break last years BMFA record attempt. 19 members signed up to take part in the event, flying a variety of aircraft from fixed wing to Drones & Helicopters. The aim was to have as many aircraft in the air as possible on the stroke of midday. The field was divided into two parts with drones & helicopters on one side & fixed wing, gliders & foamies on the other. This was a complete success and all 19 aircraft flew without any mishaps. The day was then rounded off with a full days flying. Many thanks to all those who attended, making it a fantastic day.
29th April 2023
Aerobatics Day
The 2023 Aerobatics Event took place, 23 members along with family & friends turned up at the field to watch or take part for this event, For what was starting off to be a wet & deride day, the weather soon changed becoming very warm & dry with little or no wind.
Competitors took on Two Rounds of aerobatic display flying, points were scored on
Take off into wind and climb out,
Straight and level flight / inverted,
Two consecutive inside loops, with an addition outside loop
Two consecutive Barrel rolls,
Reversal. Half loop until inverted then half roll out,
Stall turn,
Three spins,
Any 'free style' manoeuvre pilots choice,
Touch and Go'.... Roll not bounce,
Rectangular approach and landing
& Overall presentation.
Both Scores from each round were totalled together to give one overall score, the flying by all the competitors was exceptional & only a few points spilt the top few competitors up.
1st Peter B 205pts
2nd Chris B 203pts
3rd PAUL C 201pts
Many thanks to Angie Richards for supporting the food & everyone else who helped out to make it a great days flying.
16 April 2023
After the OGM Meeting the 2023 winter build competition took place 8 models from members were displayed for the Judges, As each year Aircraft were judged on 3 category's i) Build Complexity, ii) Construction Quality and iii) Finish. Judges this year were N Richards, R Watson & T Boucher.
This years winner was Andy Peers with his1/5 Ki-43 Hiyabusa (American code name Oscar) built from Jerry Bates plan. Model took 1 year to build.
Runners up 2nd place to Alan P with his Westland Lysander, 3rd place was G Bennett with G-Pan
Air Cadets Radio controlled flying intro day.