Events 2016
25th March 2016
Peter B wins the Good Friday aerobatic event.
The lovely spring sunshine and gentle winds enticed 25 members, family and friends out to watch this years aerobatic event which traditionally is always held on Good Friday. Only seven members were brave enough to compete and fly the ten set manoeuvres in front of our expert judge John C who stated that the flying was of an extremely high standard by all the competitors. Each pilot were allowed two flights with the best score counting and after both flights it was Peter B who won with the highest score, with Lawrence runner up and Chris third followed closely by Andy. Well done to Archie, Tony B and Andrew C who also flew and made the event very exciting. No event would be complete without tucking into some delicious sausage rolls, hot cross buns and flap jacks brought along by the members.
Thank you to John C for his excellent judging and to everyone who attended.
Peter receiving the Aerobatic Trophy from the Chairman Roger and with with his superb 'Extra' plane
Runner up Lawrence Stretton with 'Cyril' Andy Calcutt flew well with his all electric model.
13th April 2016
Tony wins this years Winter Build competition
Tony won this years Winter Build competition with his beautifully made 'Dornier Do 335' All the Winter build photos and entrants have been added to 'Documents' section and in 'Pictures' under 'Members Projects'
Dave M's Chorus Gull Alans Brian Taylor plan built Gloster Gladiator
Geoff's 'Bird of Time' glider
More pictures can be seen on the Members Projects section of the Picture Gallery
17th April 2016
Good turnout for the war birds event held today.
A wonderful display of workmanship and flying skills was on show today as ten members flew their magnificent selection of 'war birds' in great style in front of about 22 other members. The sight and sound of these beautiful flying machines tearing down the strip against the blue sky was enough to make you choke on the hot sausage rolls everyone was tucking to! It was great to see many planes flying in formation with the Thunderbolt and Mustangs being hotly pursued by the ME109 and Spitfires in a simulated dog fight.
A ballot was held at the end of the day when everyone attending was be invited to cast their votes for who they considered had flown in the most realistic manner. Chris was voted the clear winner with his magnificent 'Thunderbolt' followed by Richard S with his equally impressive large P51 Mustang. 3rd Place was Tony B flying his 'winter build' winning 'Dornier Do 335' and Beaufighter. Well done to the winners and thank you to everyone who attended and flew which made today a very splendid event.

28th May 2016
Phil L wins today's Gliding Event in great style.
Very well done to Phil who gave a master class in gliding today by achieving a maximum flight time with both of his flights thus beating all the other 12 competitors convincingly. Not only did Phil fly magnificently, but he kindly loaned his model so four other club members could fly and take part in the event which was very generous of him. The splendid day was attended by over 25 members who enjoyed the flying and tucked into a magnificent BBQ of burgers and hot dogs provided by Chris. Thanks also goes to the time keepers and those fit young men who kept retrieving the bungee line after each flight. The weather was ideal for gliding, with lovely sunshine and a slight breeze up the runway and along with some great banter made for a very enjoyable day. Although Phil was the outright winner there was exciting tussle for 2nd and 3rd place which went to David P and Dave B respectively. It was nice to see a number of our new members joining in the fun and well done and thank you to everyone who took part in another great club event.

2nd place David P 3rd Place Dave B
24th July 2016
A good day had by all at the Electric and Vintage Event
With the sun shining and winds light, 23 members enjoyed a superb day of flying a range of electric and vintage style models of all shapes and sizes from biplanes and foamies to gliders and cabin models. The event included a spot landing competition which was won by Archie Gibbs with 18 points. A fly off was then held for second and third places by Dave B, Mick B and Peter K who each had 31 points. Mick took second place with Peter third. The day was topped off by a superb barbecue expertly cooked by Nigel and Harry and Peter K.
Winner Archie Second place Mick
Third place Peter Harry enjoying a flight
17th September 2016
Archie wins the Gliding Event
A good turnout of twelve members attended the last flying event of the year yesterday to compete for the prestigious Dave P gliding trophy. The blustery conditions made for an exciting competition with the leader with longest flight constantly changing as the rounds progressed. In fact, so close were the flight times it was possible for anyone of the contestants to win if they had a good final flight. In the end it was Archie who soared into the lead and won the magnificent trophy with David P and Dave B tied in 2nd place with same flight times. In a fly off between these two, Dave B had the better flight and therefore took 2nd place.
A big thank you goes to Phil L who very generously loaned his plane so four others could fly in the event and to John C for supplying the obligatory hot sausage rolls and to Ted for organising this and all the other events held this year. Well done to Archie and thank you to everyone who attended for making the day very enjoyable.
5th November 2016
Bonfire Night
Well, an amazing night was had by all who attended this years bonfire night. Over 50 members with family, friends & microlighters attended this years celebrations. Great food followed by superb fireworks. The wind died down to give us a clear crisp evening. The crowd was also entertained by Andy and John C with their shocky planes with light up LED strips powered by a single Lipo battery. As in previous years the food did not fail to impress with 3 bbq's supplying us with burgers, sausages & pork and stuffing batches along with 6 varieties of cakes, sausage rolls, cupcakes and sweets for the kids lovingly supplied by Angie. Peter and Angelique K supplying members with hot drinks, tea & coffee, and as always, Chris David P & Terry giving us a spectacular evening with a grand firework display lasting for over 40 minutes. A Big thank you needs to go out to all the committee & members who helped make this a most grand evening.
13th December 2016
Following the December meeting 36 members enjoyed an aviation related quiz prepared by quiz master extraordinaire John C. Questions covered several aviation topics including modelling, films and cryptic clues. Scores ranged from 17 to 34 and the winning team with a score of 34 was Alan, Roger P, Dave H, Chris and Terry. They beat the second placed team of Paul S, Eric, Richard T, Phil L, Max and Tony B by 3 points. Following the quiz members enjoyed a bring and share buffet which included home delights including two superb NAC decorated cakes made by Angie.
13th February 2017
AGM 2016
The 59th Nuneaton Aeromodellers Club 2016 AGM was attended by 36 members on the 13th February 2017. The Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary & Events manager delivered their usual reports, which can all be read on the documents section of the website (once logged in). This was the 59th AGM in the clubs history and, as ever, proved very popular with the members. Following the formal election of officers (details of which can also be viewed on the documents section), those present voted for the Clubman of the Year. After the votes were counted and with several candidates in the running, Chris was voted the 2016 Clubman of the Year. Following the completion of the formal AGM members tucked in to a selection of sweet and savoury delights including a magnificent 60th Anniversary cake made by Angie. During the evening, members had the opportunity to buy a range of items from a small bring and buy sale including airframes, propellers and field equipment and had a good natter about all things aeromodelling. Thanks goes to all those who made the evening a great success.